Aura Quartz
Aura Quartz crystals provide a calm, relaxing effect on the emotional body and are soothing and healing to the aura. They are exceptional for releasing negativity and stress, old wounds, and long-held doubts about one’s self-worth. Attuned to loving energies of the Universe, they help one see and connect to the beauty that surrounds us all. These crystals are uplifting to the spirit and promote natural joy, hope and optimism.
Aura Quartzes are crystals of spiritual elevation, remarkable for their powers of guidance and expansion of the soul. They provide serenity and peace during meditation, deepening one’s attunement to the Divine and opening gateways to the angelic realm. They assist in remembering lessons from past incarnations and expand the awareness of one’s spiritual purpose for this lifetime. Aura Quartzes are highly protective during spiritual journeying, and can be an effective aid for conscious channeling and all types of inter-dimensional communications.